I would like to share our High-end 3D Digital mobile C-arm Cone Beam CT PLX7200. (cheap price mobile c-arm x-ray PLX7200)
With the 3D functionality, it is best suitable for intraoperative use in Orthopedic, Trauma and Spine surgery and so on.
It has been taken to the High-end Mobile C-arm among tens of our outstanding Hospitals and got the great feedback.
This model is originally designed to be comparable to the brand Siemens (Model: ARCADIS Orbic 3D) and Ziehm.(Model:VISION VARIO 3D)
Please find below our presentation video on mediafire for your download,
PLX7200 3D C-arm
PLX7200 3D Imaging
Our PLX7200 is featured with the advantages as below:
1. Isocentric orbital movement & 190° orbital movement provides the fundamentary of intro-operative 3D imaging; (digital C-arm system cone beam CT PLX7200)
2. Friendly control model by touchscreen panel, dual hand controller, dual feet pedal to realize the easy-setting;
3. Strong imaging chain consisted by the reliable monoblock, image intensifier and digital workstation for high quality imaging;
4. Dicom 3.0 interface digital workstation for comprehensive connectivity with other modalities and clinical networks;