Features of bipap machine price for Sleep Apnea S9700:
1, Work mode: CPAP, S, S/T, T
2, Air leak compensation: Dynamic monitoring of the pressure compensation/ Dynamic monitoring of flow compensation;
3, Large color LCD display: It is very convenient to see the setting parameters and statistical data, meanwhile can display waveform of breathing
air and pressure in real time;
4, Multi-parameter Alarm: Mask off alarm, suffocation alarm, high respiratory rate alarm, low respiratory rate alarm;
Contraindications -Absolute contraindications
1. Heart or respiratory arrest;
2. Weak spontaneous breathing, coma;
3. Upper respiratory tract obstruction;
4. Can not clear the oropharynx and upper respiratory tract secretions, respiratory protection
ability low;
5. Neck and facial trauma, burns and deformity;
6. Multiple system organ failure (hemodynamic instability, unstable arrhythmia;
gastrointestinal perforation / bleeding, severe brain disease)
Contraindications - Relative contraindications
7. Pneumothorax without drainage;
8. Recent surgery of face, neck, mouth, pharynx, esophagus and stomach;
9. Obvious noncooperation or extreme standstill;
10. Severe hypoxemia (PaO2